Case and point: A relaxing and unassuming Paipi takes in some sunshine
A well meaning observer appears to be upon us. Paipi gets up to re-situate in light of the unexpected company...
The intruder proceeds to attempt to point out Paipi's belly button; unbeknownst to our adventurer, Paipi doesn't have a belly button and she is pointing to an area protected under the Oza family code prohibiting sexual harrassment - an official harrassment claim has been filed with the Oza family human resources division.
In her defense, she really was looking for a belly button:
Case Study #2 - Battle for Territory - things are getting heated. The white one-piece pajama suit has been donned as battle gear.
Tempers flare!
Taking it Outside - Before the weather gets too cold, Sachi took the hound and headed outdoors. Off to the pumpkin patch as well!
And of course, exhaustion:
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