Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Forgotten Halloween Post

So, the Circus has been somewhat inconsistent with its blog posts as of late and in the grind of the day-to-day happenings, we completely forgot to provide an update as to Sachi's 2nd Halloween celebration.  Last year, Sachi was a flower (, so this year, why not progress from vegetation to insect.

Meet the world's most perfect ladybug:

Scoping out some ducks:

1/2 ladybug, 1/2 meerkat...ladykat?:

Cruising the local scene...

...but putting in some Ladybugs work hours too.  No freeloaders in the Oza household:

Once back at the homestead, our little ladybug seems to have convinced her simple-minded friend, Paipi, to dress up (willingly or not) like a horse.  First, he needed some heart-to-heart convincing and once distracted, take advantage.  

Little ladybugs need friends, so what better complement an insect than a strawberry.  Its Elsie!

In a feeble attempt to recreate Sachi's favorite Japanese superhero, Anpanman, Poppa Oza tried to carve a pumpkin lookalike.  Even the most generous of observers would likely place the final product in the "Poor to Quite Poor" category, if not deem it "Entirely Unacceptable"... Can't fault the effort though!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oza House Rivalries

In the current swing of the NFL season, the end of the Major League Baseball playoffs and with NCAA basketball around the corner, rivalries are hot and heavy during this time of year.  Mirroring the current sports environment, our two pugilists have also raised the temperature in the Oza household, with constant infighting, one-upsmanship and just straight playing dirty.  No tactics are off-limits; no hallowed ground (or pet bed) too sacred; nobodies protected.

Case and point:  A relaxing and unassuming Paipi takes in some sunshine

A well meaning observer appears to be upon us.  Paipi gets up to re-situate in light of the unexpected company...

The intruder proceeds to attempt to point out Paipi's belly button; unbeknownst to our adventurer, Paipi doesn't have a belly button and she is pointing to an area protected under the Oza family code prohibiting sexual harrassment - an official harrassment claim has been filed with the Oza family human resources division.

In her defense, she really was looking for a belly button:  

 Case Study #2 - Battle for Territory - things are getting heated.  The white one-piece pajama suit has been donned as battle gear.

Tempers flare!

Taking it Outside - Before the weather gets too cold, Sachi took the hound and headed outdoors.  Off to the pumpkin patch as well!

And of course, exhaustion: