Friday, July 24, 2015

Okinawa or Bust!

Not content on the Japanese mainland, our two heroes set off for Okinawa, catching a flight to head down to what is by definition a complete paradise.  Aqua blue waters, late mornings, local ramen...who can complain?!  Sure they passed out on the way there (who wouldn't after a bus ride and plane flight), but couple plenty of beach time with an outrageously gigantic whale shark at the coolest aquarium in Japan, all in all, this was a big win.  And after its all done, we had back to the grandfolks house for some more adventure!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kiddies in Japan!

So the troupe has departed the US for invasion of the Japanese mainland. The kids havebeen hanging with Baachan and Jiichan (grandma and grandpa) and causing all around mayhem. Sachi turned 5 and the eatin' has apparently been good.  Dragonflies and wierd Japanese superheroes (Anpanman) beware!

Friday, June 12, 2015


These sisters are tied at the hip.  Yelling, reading and straight diva-ing.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturdays with Ema

So on Saturdays, Sachi has begun Japanese school in Raleigh, which means that from 7:10AM until about 2PM, Ema and Daddy are rolling solo.   This is a photo summary of our day.
yes we go back to sleep after Sachi and Momma leave 

Ready to face the world? 

Library and grocery!  On to the record store! 

So much for the record store.


Sachi's home.  Frozen ice truck in the neighborhood.  $3 score! 

Chimenea  (aka: Gary Ball) + Mariah Carey remixes + after 10pm =

...hellava good Saturday