Saturday, February 16, 2013

2012 Year in Review - November and December

NC or bust!  After years of pretending and praying, the Ozas actually pulled up their Ohio stakes and put down a down payment on their first little piece of Americana, settling in the wonderful township of Chapel Hill.  Only miles from Oza patriarch Alma Mater, little Sachi and Paipi began their new adventure in backwoods of NC.

First day after moving...Halloween!  The world's largest strawberry:

And right after arriving, Deven the Dude had a traditional thread ceremony in Charlotte.   We got all dressed up and Sachi did a little dancing:

She had difficulty reciting her ABCs and walking a straight line after being pulled over on the way home:

Posing around Casa de Oza:

Peace god.

Some roses from Dadda

Nice thing about Carolina.  Weather baby!  Its November and we're on the deck and in the woods?!?  You've got to be kidding me!

Holiday appropriate clothing:

Roast chicken to go with some turkey

Check out thatThanksgiving spread

And of course, Christmas.  Sachi got to meet Santa and he brought her some goodies:

Princess car! 

Trampoline from Baa-chan and Ji-chan!

And last but not least, we had some friends visit:

(Tamachan actually visited us in Cleveland)

Momma's Anpanman bread!

Sadie grrrl

Aili-chan and Mr. Chick-Fil-a

 Thanks for bringing us the flu Uncle Ravi...Go Heels!