Saturday, February 18, 2012

Guess Whose Back!

Well, the Blog has taken some time off and we've received fan mail complaining about the lack of updates of our little princess and her courageous steed.  The off-time has been spent settling territorial disputes, changing soiled pantaloons and listening to endless conversation from our little girl's growing vocabulary (i.e. "baka" - see attached link: )

With the lack of correspondences, we've missed providing updates on Sachi's past couple of month anniversaries.  Although its always a challenge to capture a youngin' in action, here's the growth of little Sachi over the past couple of months.  The stickers on her shirt are fairly self explanatory:

As a reminder from where we came... where we are now...



guess who hasn't changed:

We've got a whole lot more to add, but thought that it'd probably be a good idea to get the first post of 2012 under our proverbial belts before going off and putting on more and more.  Don't go anywhere.