Saturday, June 30, 2012

To Japan We Go!

After 1 and 1/2 years, it was time to take the little lady back to Japan.  This trip was for the ladies only, so Paipi and Poppa held down fort in Ohio, while Momma and Sachi headed overseas to see Ji-chan (Grandpapi Takemoto) and Baa-chan (Grandma Takemoto).

Hanging with Ji-chan and food!

One of the adventures that Sachi got to experience is the famed Nagasaki "Bio-Park", where wild animals apparently run around and can just walk right up to you.  Here's a glimpse:


A parrot with a nasty disposition

Crazy looking flamingos attacked Sachi for some food.  Best to keep a safe distance.

Petting a lizard

and harassing an exhausted kangaroo-like animal (Aki insists its not a kangaroo, so it must be some unknown, yet undiscovered species)

With Paipi relegated to the kitchen while Poppa Oza was at work, Sachi found a new play partner: her cousin Yuki (aka: Yu-kun)!  

Strawberry picking at Ji-chan's buddy's farm. Check out the front of Sachi's shirt, which is a dead giveaway that our little girl was tasting the produce before making any purchases.  

What a haul!

Ji-chan's buddy is apparently stoked b/c he just made a killing in selling strawberries to a 1 year old

Nothing says a good meal like a wife-beater and sashimi with Ji-chan sushi...

...but a meal with Baa-chan requires more elegance (and clothing)

Good eating at Takako-chan's (Aki's old time friend) restaurant, Anyo (  Everyone goes home happy!

Hanging at the barbershop with Ji-chan and Yu-kun

Goodbye hugs before leaving

And before leaving, making sure she's got the correct directions to the airport

On the way home...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stylish by day. Knickers by night.

When on the town or in the park stalking some birds with Paipi, the yellow summer dress is a given.   When eating dinner, diaper only seems ok.

Scoping the rugged terrain for prey:

Go, go, go!

Evening-wear at the Oza Residence


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Many a Night Outfit

With the vibrant nightlife of suburban Beachwood, Ohio, our little princess and her Queen Bee momma have made a fairly hefty investment in the on-the-town wardrobe.  However, when at the homestead, Sachi has a number of night pieces that are perfect for staying up until about 8:00PM.  One can apparently never have enough variety when it comes to sleepwear:

Action Packed Weekend

What a weekend.  Got a lot done (we're moving to NC!).  Hung with Arthur at the bookstore and with a towel poolside


and threw up some gang signs at a Cleveland Indians baseball game.

Struck a pose with Momma and Poppa

All business in the stands.  Indians win 4-2 handing the famous Yu Darvish (Japanese pitching sensation for the Texas Rangers) his first MLB loss EVER.  First place Indians!

Run in with a strange and gigantic walking hot dog and onion dog in the bowels of Progressive Field

Post game, hit the field (just like last year).  Excited as usual:

Who could ask for more?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Chopper City

So a couple of weeks back, we went to a truck and air show in NC with the Eapens (who by the way just welcomed home a new baby boy Elijah!).  Anyway Sachi managed to take up a seat in the back to prepare for the coming invasion, hard hat and all.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Spring is Here

With warm weather blessing lovely Cleveland, our little lady has decided to take her act outdoors.  Here's a couple of snaps from this spring:


Movie Star

Pimp Hat

Breakfast with friends

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Guess Whose Back!

Well, the Blog has taken some time off and we've received fan mail complaining about the lack of updates of our little princess and her courageous steed.  The off-time has been spent settling territorial disputes, changing soiled pantaloons and listening to endless conversation from our little girl's growing vocabulary (i.e. "baka" - see attached link: )

With the lack of correspondences, we've missed providing updates on Sachi's past couple of month anniversaries.  Although its always a challenge to capture a youngin' in action, here's the growth of little Sachi over the past couple of months.  The stickers on her shirt are fairly self explanatory:

As a reminder from where we came... where we are now...



guess who hasn't changed:

We've got a whole lot more to add, but thought that it'd probably be a good idea to get the first post of 2012 under our proverbial belts before going off and putting on more and more.  Don't go anywhere.