Sunday, September 19, 2010

random kawaii pictures

You can learn some Japanese by checking this blog.
kawaii = cute

Team Mommy!

Sachan is now on Team Mommy!


Sachi and Paipi are always sleeeping together.

Uncle Charlie Comes to Town!

Uncle Charlie made the drive from Michigan to hang with Sachan and Paipi during the first week of the 2010 NFL Season.

2 months

Sachi became 2 months old on September 4th.  And Paipi is wearing Sachi's onesie.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Great Outdoors!

While the weather still permits, these fearless adventurers decided to try their hand at taming Mother Nature at Cleveland Metroparks.

Spirits were high!

The adventurers hit the road...

Enemies were spotted!

Spirits fell...

...and Sachi passed out and we went home.